Hello experts,
I am new to Allpix2 and trying to simulate carbon ions beam but I haven’t managed to simulate it yet because it gives me error in the particle type each time I run it.
I tried to set the particle type to:
particle_type = “ion”
ion_type = “6 12 6”
number_of_particles = 10000
tryied also:
particle_type = “ion”
ion_type = “6 12 6”
particle_type = “ion”
ion_type = “carbon 12 6”
and also:
particle_type = “GenericIon”
particle_type_Z = 6
particle_type_A = 12
particle_type_Q = 6
particle_type = “C12”
but none of these worked yet
can any one help me how to set the particle type to carbon ions beam?
I know it is selly question but I need an urgent help in that please
many thanks in advance