Unit of getSignal()


I was just wondering what the unit of hit.getSignal() is when using the following modules:

number_of_events = 5000
log_level = “WARNING”
detectors_file = “detector_tpx4.conf”
model_paths = “./”
root_file = “modules”

model = “root”
file_name = “SimTree”
detector_name_chars = 0
tree_name = “hittree”
unit_length = “mm”
unit_energy = “MeV”
branch_names = [“event”, “energy.Edep”, “global_time”, “position.x”, “position.y”, “position.z”, “detector”, “PDG_code”, “track_id”, “parent_id”]

model = “linear”
bias_voltage = -130V
depletion_voltage = -100V

temperature = 300K
integration_time = 10us

timestep = 0.16ns

electronics_noise = 77e
threshold = 500e
threshold_smearing = 40e

It’s probably not a time-over-threshold, is it just number of charges?


Dear @krixikraxi

yes, since you do not define a QDC (via qdc_resolution) the signal is provided in units of charge carriers.

All the best,

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Thanks for the quick reply!