Source from GPS macro

Dear Allpix2 developers,

Probably I’m wrong somewhere, but… I have simple g4 macro:

/gps/particle gamma
/gps/pos/type Volume
/gps/pos/shape Para
/gps/pos/centre 0. 0. -2. cm
/gps/pos/halfx 0.5 cm
/gps/pos/halfy 0.5 cm
/gps/pos/halfz 0.5 cm
/gps/pos/rot1 1. 0.57735 0.
/gps/pos/rot2 -0.57735 1. -0.66667
/gps/ang/type cos
/gps/ene/type Gauss
/gps/ene/mono 40. keV
/gps/ene/sigma 5. keV

It gives me the following errors:

"16:13:18.521|   (DEBUG) [I:DepositionGeant4] Applying Geant4 macro command: "/gps/particle gamma
) is not listed in the candidate List.meter value (gamma
"16:13:18.521|   (DEBUG) [I:DepositionGeant4] Applying Geant4 macro command: "/gps/pos/type Volume
) is not listed in the candidate List.meter value (Volume
"16:13:18.521|   (DEBUG) [I:DepositionGeant4] Applying Geant4 macro command: "/gps/pos/shape Para
) is not listed in the candidate List.meter value (Para
"16:13:18.521|   (DEBUG) [I:DepositionGeant4] Applying Geant4 macro command: "/gps/pos/centre 0. 0. -2. cm
|16:13:18.521| (WARNING) [Geant4] 
                                  -------- EEEE ------- G4Exception-START -------- EEEE -------
                                  *** G4Exception : InvalidUnit
                                        issued by : G4UnitDefinition::GetCategory()
' does not exist in the Units Table!e unit 'cm
                                  *** Fatal Exception *** core dump ***
|16:13:18.521| (WARNING) [Geant4]  **** Track information is not available at this moment
|16:13:18.521| (WARNING) [Geant4]  **** Step information is not available at this moment
|16:13:18.521| (WARNING) [Geant4] 
                                  -------- EEEE -------- G4Exception-END --------- EEEE -------
|16:13:18.521| (WARNING) [Geant4] 
|16:13:18.521| (WARNING) [Geant4] *** G4Exception: Aborting execution ***
|16:13:18.521|   (FATAL) [I:DepositionGeant4] Aborting!
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Do you have any ideas?
I’m on v.2.1.0. Cfg of DepositionGeant4 module:

physics_list = FTFP_BERT_EMZ
source_type = "macro"
file_name = "cube_source.g4mac"
number_of_particles = 1
max_step_length = 5um
fano_factor = 0.14
charge_creation_energy = 4.2eV
range_cut = 200um

Thank you and best regards,

Hi @psmolyan

I tried to reproduce your issue, but for me it works just fine:

|10:27:45.299|   (TRACE) [I:DepositionGeant4] Constructing particle source
|10:27:45.300|    (INFO) [I:DepositionGeant4] Using user macro for particle source.
|10:27:45.300|   (TRACE) [I:DepositionGeant4] Parsing macro file /home/simonspa/software/allpix-squared/conf/forum/237/cube_source.g4mac
|10:27:45.300|   (DEBUG) [I:DepositionGeant4] Applying Geant4 macro command: "/gps/particle gamma"
|10:27:45.300|   (DEBUG) [I:DepositionGeant4] Applying Geant4 macro command: "/gps/pos/type Volume"
|10:27:45.300|   (DEBUG) [I:DepositionGeant4] Applying Geant4 macro command: "/gps/pos/shape Para"
|10:27:45.300|   (DEBUG) [I:DepositionGeant4] Applying Geant4 macro command: "/gps/pos/centre 0. 0. -2. cm"
|10:27:45.300|   (DEBUG) [I:DepositionGeant4] Applying Geant4 macro command: "/gps/pos/halfx 0.5 cm"
|10:27:45.300|   (DEBUG) [I:DepositionGeant4] Applying Geant4 macro command: "/gps/pos/halfy 0.5 cm"
|10:27:45.300|   (DEBUG) [I:DepositionGeant4] Applying Geant4 macro command: "/gps/pos/halfz 0.5 cm"
|10:27:45.300|   (DEBUG) [I:DepositionGeant4] Applying Geant4 macro command: "/gps/pos/rot1 1. 0.57735 0."
|10:27:45.300|   (DEBUG) [I:DepositionGeant4] Applying Geant4 macro command: "/gps/pos/rot2 -0.57735 1. -0.66667"
|10:27:45.300|   (DEBUG) [I:DepositionGeant4] Applying Geant4 macro command: "/gps/ang/type cos"
|10:27:45.300|   (DEBUG) [I:DepositionGeant4] Applying Geant4 macro command: "/gps/ene/type Gauss"
|10:27:45.300|   (DEBUG) [I:DepositionGeant4] Applying Geant4 macro command: "/gps/ene/mono 40. keV"
|10:27:45.300|   (DEBUG) [I:DepositionGeant4] Applying Geant4 macro command: "/gps/ene/sigma 5. keV"

I also see the particles being generated:

What version of Geant4 are you using? What is the output of allpix --version?

All the best,

Hi @simonspa

That’s strange.

The output is following:

Allpix Squared version v2.1.0-tar
               built on 2021-12-10, 11:23:54 UTC
               using Boost.Random 1.69.0
                     ROOT 6.24/06
                     Geant4 1073

Best regards,

Hi @psmolyan

I just tested this by logging into lxplus and calling

$ source /cvmfs/
$ allpix -c config.conf

and it works flawlessly for me. I guess there is an issue with your Geant4 installation, and judging by the output it is something with the units, i.e. CLHEP? What were your compilation flags for Geant4?


Hi @simonspa

Compilation flags for G4 are here:

I will try on another machine.
