Hi everyone!
I am using allpix squared for a new detector under development, and I am currently trying to load the electric field. I am using COMSOL to simulate the field, exporting in an equally spaced array to a file, and I then use Python to convert the data to the .init format required by Allpix.
So I have some questions:
- Given the simulated field, am I understanding correctly that I need to have the xyz coordinates on the strict form of X = [1,2,3,4,…] etc, i.e. strict increasing?
- If I use PIXEL_FULL in the ElectricFieldReader, where is the position (1,1,1), is it one of the top corners of the pixel, or one of the bottom corners?
- I noticed that when the module is loading the field, it refuses to take any other coordinates than integer microns and throws “invalid data” when decimals are used. This is a bit of a pickle since the pixels are quite small and I would like to be able to have a higher sampled field if proven necessary. Is it possible to set the reader, either in the .init file or in the module, to use nano meter as a unit instead to allow for finer sampling?
- Given that we can load the field, is the field supposed to be sampled from edge to edge? What I mean is, say that the pitch of the pixels is 20 microns, should the sampling be from ON the border between two pixels to ON the next border (with 1um sampling this would be 21 points), or should it be half a sampling step in from the border?
Thank you in advance!