Passive material non attached to the detector

Dear all,
I would like to add some passive material into a simulation of a testbeam.
Specifically I would like to add the styrofoam box that houses the DUTs in between the arms of a AIDA telescope - in the attached picture you can see it in black with a yellow danger sign on it, on the left of three Mimosa telescope planes.

My question is: can I just use [support] for the vertical walls of the box which are perpendicular to the beam or there is a way to declare support/passive material that is
not directly connected to the detector?

Many thanks in advance and kind regards,
Marco Bomben


Hi Marco,

currently the only possibility is to add the perpendicular walls to the detector directly.

However, having said this, we have received this request quite frequently and there are efforts ongoing to implement this properly, also allowing for more complex geometries. Have a look at which will soon bear fruits I hope.


Thanks a lot Simon. I will follow the MR on gitlab then.
Marco Bomben