Installation issue on MacOS sonoma 14

I am try to install Allpix2 on my Mac with MacOS sonoma 14.
GCC: Apple clang version 15.0.0 (clang-1500.
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin23.3.0
CMAKE: 3.24.4
I fialed in the make stage. Is sonoma 14 supported?

Hi @longli

right now we are not building against macOS 14 yet, but I am sure we can help in figuring out what the problem is.


  • remove your build directory entirely
  • run CMake and provide the full output
  • run make and provide the full output

so we can have a look. When pasting terminal output into your answer, make sure to enclose them in triple-backticks (```) so they are formatted properly.

Best regards,

Hi @simonspa ,
Thanks a lot for your replying. And this is the output of my cmake configuration:

-- Git project directory is clean.

-- Building Allpix^2 version v3.0.0-314-ga7156f0c4.

-- Building "DEBUG"

-- Installing to "/Users/lilong/workarea/allpix-squared/install"

-- Unit tests: 20 examples

-- Found Python: /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.12/bin/python3.12 (found version "3.12.2") found components: Interpreter

-- Could NOT find Doxygen (missing: DOXYGEN_EXECUTABLE)

-- Could NOT find Doxybook2 (missing: DOXYBOOK2_EXECUTABLE)

-- Could NOT find Pandoc (missing: PANDOC_EXECUTABLE)

-- Found Latexmk: /Library/TeX/texbin/latexmk (found version "4.67")

-- Found Lualatex: /Library/TeX/texbin/lualatex (found version "1.12.0")

-- Found Biber: /Library/TeX/texbin/biber (found version "2.14")

-- Found Pygmentize: /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/bin/pygmentize (found version "2.13.0")

-- Docs: Adding target for user manual PDF generation

-- The CXX compiler identification is AppleClang

-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info

-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done

-- Check for working CXX compiler: /Applications/ - skipped

-- Detecting CXX compile features

-- Detecting CXX compile features - done

-- The C compiler identification is AppleClang

-- Detecting C compiler ABI info

-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done

-- Check for working C compiler: /Applications/ - skipped

-- Detecting C compile features

-- Detecting C compile features - done

-- Found PkgConfig: /opt/local/bin/pkg-config (found version "0.29.2")

-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WORKS__pedantic

-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WORKS__pedantic - Success

-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WORKS__Wall

-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WORKS__Wall - Success

-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WORKS__Wextra

-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WORKS__Wextra - Success

-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WORKS__Wcast_align

-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WORKS__Wcast_align - Success

-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WORKS__Wcast_qual

-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WORKS__Wcast_qual - Success

-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WORKS__Wconversion

-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WORKS__Wconversion - Success

-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WORKS__Wuseless_cast

-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WORKS__Wuseless_cast - Failed

-- NOT adding -Wuseless-cast to CXX_FLAGS - unsupported flag

-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WORKS__Wctor_dtor_privacy

-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WORKS__Wctor_dtor_privacy - Success

-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WORKS__Wzero_as_null_pointer_constant

-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WORKS__Wzero_as_null_pointer_constant - Success

-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WORKS__Wdisabled_optimization

-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WORKS__Wdisabled_optimization - Success

-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WORKS__WformatE2

-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WORKS__WformatE2 - Success

-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WORKS__Winit_self

-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WORKS__Winit_self - Success

-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WORKS__Wlogical_op

-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WORKS__Wlogical_op - Failed

-- NOT adding -Wlogical-op to CXX_FLAGS - unsupported flag

-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WORKS__Wmissing_declarations

-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WORKS__Wmissing_declarations - Success

-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WORKS__Wmissing_include_dirs

-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WORKS__Wmissing_include_dirs - Success

-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WORKS__Wnoexcept

-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WORKS__Wnoexcept - Failed

-- NOT adding -Wnoexcept to CXX_FLAGS - unsupported flag

-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WORKS__Wold_style_cast

-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WORKS__Wold_style_cast - Success

-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WORKS__Wredundant_decls

-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WORKS__Wredundant_decls - Success

-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WORKS__Wsign_conversion

-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WORKS__Wsign_conversion - Success

-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WORKS__Wsign_promo

-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WORKS__Wsign_promo - Success

-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WORKS__Wstrict_null_sentinel

-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WORKS__Wstrict_null_sentinel - Failed

-- NOT adding -Wstrict-null-sentinel to CXX_FLAGS - unsupported flag

-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WORKS__Wstrict_overflowE5

-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WORKS__Wstrict_overflowE5 - Success

-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WORKS__Wswitch_default

-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WORKS__Wswitch_default - Success

-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WORKS__Wundef

-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WORKS__Wundef - Success

-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WORKS__Wshadow

-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WORKS__Wshadow - Success

-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WORKS__Wformat_security

-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WORKS__Wformat_security - Success

-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WORKS__Wdeprecated

-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WORKS__Wdeprecated - Success

-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WORKS__fdiagnostics_colorEauto

-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WORKS__fdiagnostics_colorEauto - Success

-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WORKS__Wheader_hygiene

-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WORKS__Wheader_hygiene - Success

-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WORKS__Wno_overloaded_virtual

-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WORKS__Wno_overloaded_virtual - Success

-- Performing Test SUPPORT_STD_CXX17

-- Performing Test SUPPORT_STD_CXX17 - Success

-- Performing Test SUPPORT_STD_CXX20

-- Performing Test SUPPORT_STD_CXX20 - Success

-- Building against C++ version 17


-- Performing Test CMAKE_HAVE_LIBC_PTHREAD - Success

-- Found Threads: TRUE

-- Found Boost: /opt/local/include (found suitable version "1.76.0", minimum required is "1.64.0") found components: random

CMake Warning at cmake/clang-cpp-checks.cmake:23 (MESSAGE):

Git hooks are not installed - consider installing them via


Call Stack (most recent call first):

CMakeLists.txt:374 (INCLUDE)

-- Could NOT find clang-format

-- Could NOT check for clang-tidy, wrong compiler: AppleClang

-- Building module ON - CSADigitizer

-- Building module ON - CapacitiveTransfer

-- Checking for module 'eigen3'

-- Found eigen3, version 3.4.0

-- Building module ON - CorryvreckanWriter

-- Building module OFF - DatabaseWriter

-- Building module ON - DefaultDigitizer

-- Building module ON - DepositionCosmics

-- Found EXPAT: /opt/local/lib/libexpat.dylib (found suitable version "2.6.0", minimum required is "2.5.0")

-- Found XercesC: /opt/local/lib/libxerces-c.dylib (found suitable version "3.2.3", minimum required is "3.2.3")

-- Found OpenGL: /Applications/

-- Found X11: /opt/local/include

-- Looking for XOpenDisplay in /opt/local/lib/libX11.dylib;/opt/local/lib/libXext.dylib

-- Looking for XOpenDisplay in /opt/local/lib/libX11.dylib;/opt/local/lib/libXext.dylib - found

-- Looking for gethostbyname

-- Looking for gethostbyname - found

-- Looking for connect

-- Looking for connect - found

-- Looking for remove

-- Looking for remove - found

-- Looking for shmat

-- Looking for shmat - found

-- Looking for IceConnectionNumber in ICE

-- Looking for IceConnectionNumber in ICE - found

-- Found Motif: /opt/local/lib/libXm.dylib

-- Found XQuartzGL: /usr/X11R6/include

-- Found Geant4: /usr/local/share/Geant4/lib/cmake/Geant4/Geant4Config.cmake (found version "11.2.0")

-- Building module ON - DepositionGeant4

-- Found Geant4 Examples, building add. physics lists

-- Building module ON - DepositionGenerator

-- HepMC3 not found, not building HepMC3 interface

-- Building module ON - DepositionLaser

-- Building module ON - DepositionPointCharge

-- Building module ON - DepositionReader

-- Building module ON - DetectorHistogrammer

-- Building module ON - DopingProfileReader

-- Building module ON - Dummy

-- Building module ON - ElectricFieldReader

-- Building module ON - GDMLOutputWriter

-- Building module ON - GenericPropagation

-- Building module OFF - GeometryBuilderGeant4

-- Building module ON - InducedTransfer

-- Building module OFF - LCIOWriter

-- Building module ON - MagneticFieldReader

-- Building module ON - ProjectionPropagation

-- Building module ON - PulseTransfer

-- Building module ON - RCEWriter

-- Building module ON - ROOTObjectReader

-- Building module ON - ROOTObjectWriter

-- Building module ON - SimpleTransfer

-- Building module ON - TextWriter

-- Building module ON - TransientPropagation

-- Building module ON - VisualizationGeant4

-- Building module ON - WeightingPotentialReader

-- Building Geant4 Interface

-- Unit tests: 74 framework core functionality tests

-- Unit tests: 151 module functionality tests

-- Modules without functionality tests:

-- Dummy

-- GDMLOutputWriter

-- InducedTransfer

-- VisualizationGeant4

-- Unit tests: 5 performance tests

-- Configuring done

-- Generating done

-- Build files have been written to: /Users/lilong/workarea/allpix-squared/build

And this is the output from make stage:

[  0%] Generating CorryvreckanWriterObjectsDictionary.cxx, libCorryvreckanWriterObjects_rdict.pcm, libCorryvreckanWriterObjects.rootmap
[  0%] Generating AllpixObjectsDictionary.cxx, libAllpixObjects_rdict.pcm, libAllpixObjects.rootmap
[  0%] Generating /Users/lilong/workarea/allpix-squared/build/src/modules/DepositionCosmics/data/
[  1%] Building CXX object tools/apf_tools/CMakeFiles/field_converter.dir/FieldConverter.cpp.o
[  2%] Building CXX object tools/mesh_converter/CMakeFiles/mesh_plotter.dir/MeshPlotter.cpp.o
[  2%] Building CXX object tools/mesh_converter/CMakeFiles/mesh_converter.dir/MeshElement.cpp.o
-- Fetching "file:///eos/project-a/allpix-squared/www/data/MD5/87a94f46c8d982980ed942fe9d370a87"
-- Fetching ""
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-- [download 100% complete]
-- Downloaded object: "/Users/lilong/workarea/allpix-squared/build/ExternalData/Objects/MD5/87a94f46c8d982980ed942fe9d370a87"
In file included from input_line_1:1:
In file included from /Applications/
/Applications/ In file included from error: input_line_1no member: named 1'at_quick_exit' in:
 the globalIn file included from  namespace/Applications/
/Applications/ error: using ::at_quick_exit _LIBCPP_USING_IF_EXISTS;no
 member named 'at_quick_exit'      ~~^ in the 
global namespace
using ::at_quick_exit _LIBCPP_USING_IF_EXISTS;
/Applications/ error: no member named /Applications/'quick_exit': 145in: 9the:  global namespaceerror: 
no member named 'quick_exit' in theusing ::quick_exit _LIBCPP_USING_IF_EXISTS; 
global       ~~^namespace

using ::quick_exit _LIBCPP_USING_IF_EXISTS;
[  2%] Generating /Users/lilong/workarea/allpix-squared/build/src/modules/DepositionCosmics/data/
In file included from input_line_1:1:
In file included from /Applications/
In file included from /Applications/
In file included from /Applications/
In file included from /Applications/
:In file included from 2/Applications/ error: 97is_trivially_destructible:
 In file included from is /Applications/ 381implemented:
In file included from 
/Applications/ #error is_trivially_destructible is not implemented
error:  ^
is_trivially_destructible is not implemented
#error is_trivially_destructible is not implemented
/Applications/ error: no template named 'is_trivially_destructible'; did/Applications/ you: mean40 'is_trivially_constructible'?:53
: error: no template inline constexpr bool is_trivially_destructible_v = is_trivially_destructible<_Tp>::value;named
 did you/Applications/ :22mean: 29:'is_trivially_constructible'? note: 
'is_trivially_constructible' declared here
struct _LIBCPP_TEMPLATE_VIS is_trivially_constructible
inline constexpr bool is_trivially_destructible_v = is_trivially_destructible<_Tp>::value;
/Applications/ note: 'is_trivially_constructible' declared here
struct _LIBCPP_TEMPLATE_VIS is_trivially_constructible
-- Fetching "file:///eos/project-a/allpix-squared/www/data/MD5/43350bc1295828e1740a27fbac7faf65"
-- Fetching ""
In file included from input_line_3:1:
In file included from /opt/local/libexec/root6/include/root/RtypesCore.h:28:
In file included from /Applications/
In file included from /Applications/
In file included from /Applications/
/Applications/ error: "It looks like you're trying to enable vendor availability markup, but you haven't defined the
      corresponding macros yet!"
#   error "It looks like you're trying to enable vendor availability markup, but you haven't define...
In file included from input_line_3:1In file included from :
input_line_3In file included from :/opt/local/libexec/root6/include/root/RtypesCore.h1::
28In file included from :
In file included from /Applications/
In file included from /Applications/
/Applications/ error: unknown type name '_LIBCPP_BEGIN_NAMESPACE_STD'
In file included from /Applications/
In file included from /Applications/
In file included from /Applications/
/Applications/ error: "It looks like you're trying to enable vendor availability markup, but you haven't defined the
      corresponding macros yet!"
#   error "It looks like you're trying to enable vendor availability markup, but you haven't define...
/Applications/ error: expected ';' after top level In file included from declaratorinput_line_3:
In file included from /opt/local/libexec/root6/include/root/RtypesCore.h:28:
In file included from /Applications/
In file included from /Applications/ _LIBCPP_OVERRIDABLE_FUNC_VIS _LIBCPP_ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT(__printf__, 1, 2)14
:20:1: error: unknown type name '_LIBCPP_BEGIN_NAMESPACE_STD'
/Applications/ error: unknown type name '_LIBCPP_END_NAMESPACE_STD'
/Applications/ error: In file included from expectedinput_line_3 :';'1 :
afterIn file included from  /opt/local/libexec/root6/include/root/RtypesCore.htop: 28level:
 In file included from declarator/Applications/
expected                 ^';'
 after top level declarator
/Applications/ error: no variable template matches partial specialization
template <class _Tp> struct _LIBCPP_TEMPLATE_VIS enable_if<true, _Tp> {typedef _Tp type;};
/Applications/ error: expected/Applications/ :expression55:
1: error: unknown type name '_LIBCPP_END_NAMESPACE_STD'
template <class _Tp> struct _LIBCPP_TEMPLATE_VIS enable_if<true, _Tp> {typedef _Tp type;};
/Applications/ file included from :input_line_323::139:
:In file included from  /opt/local/libexec/root6/include/root/RtypesCore.h:28:
errorIn file included from : /Applications/
cannot/Applications/ :template18: 28a:  using error: declaration
expected ';' after top level declarator
template <bool _Bp, class _Tp = void> using __enable_if_t _LIBCPP_NODEBUG = typename enable_if<_Bp...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^
/Applications/ 50:error : errorC++:  requires noa  variabletype  templatespecifier  matchesfor  partialall  specializationdeclarations

template <class _Tp> struct _LIBCPP_TEMPLATE_VIS enable_if<true, _Tp> {typedef _Tp type;};
template <bool _Bp, class _Tp = void> using __enable_if_t _LIBCPP_NODEBUG = typename enable_if<_Bp...                                                 ^

/Applications/ error: expected expression
/Applications/ error: template <class _Tp> struct _LIBCPP_TEMPLATE_VIS enable_if<true, _Tp> {typedef _Tp type;};
use                                                                        ^of
 undeclared identifier '_Bp'
  ...<bool _Bp, class _Tp = void> using __enable_if_t _LIBCPP_NODEBUG = typename enable_if<_Bp, _Tp>::type;
/Applications/ error: cannot template a using declaration
template <bool _Bp, class _Tp = void> using __enable_if_t _LIBCPP_NODEBUG = typename enable_if<_Bp...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^
/Applications/ /Applications/ 29:1: error: C++unknown  requirestype  aname  type specifier'_LIBCPP_END_NAMESPACE_STD' for
 all declarations_LIBCPP_END_NAMESPACE_STD

template <bool _Bp, class _Tp = void> using __enable_if_t _LIBCPP_NODEBUG = typename enable_if<_Bp...
In file included from input_line_3:1:
In file included from /opt/local/libexec/root6/include/root/RtypesCore.h:28:
In file included from /Applications/
/Applications/ error: expected ';' after top level declarator
/Applications/ error: use of/Applications/ :undeclared35 :identifier1 :'_Bp' 
error: unknown type name '_LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR'
  ...<bool _Bp, class _Tp = void> using __enable_if_t _LIBCPP_NODEBUG = typename enable_if<_Bp, _Tp>::type;
_LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR const _Tp integral_constant<_Tp, __v>::value;
/Applications/ error: expected ';' at end of declaration
_LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR const _Tp integral_constant<_Tp, __v>::value;
/Applications/ error: no member named 'value' in the global namespace
/Applications/ const _Tp integral_constant<_Tp, __v>::value;1: 
error: /Applications/ 9type:  name '_LIBCPP_END_NAMESPACE_STD'error: no template
 named 'integral_constant'
_LIBCPP_END_NAMESPACE_STDtypedef integral_constant<bool, true>  true_type;


/Applications/ error: no template named 'integral_constant'
typedef integral_constant<bool, false> false_type;
In file included from input_line_3:1:
In file included from /opt/local/libexec/root6/include/root/RtypesCore.h:28:
In file included from /Applications/
/Applications/  errorerror: : cannotexpected  template';'  aafter  usingtop  declarationlevel 
                           ^using _BoolConstant _LIBCPP_NODEBUG = integral_constant<bool, _Val>;

/Applications/ error: C++ requires a type specifier for all declarations
/Applications/ _BoolConstant _LIBCPP_NODEBUG = integral_constant<bool, _Val>;35
:1                    ^:
 error: unknown type name '_LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR'fatal error
: too many errors emitted, stopping _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR const _Tp integral_constant<_Tp, __v>::value;now

/Applications/ error: expected ';' at end of declaration
_LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR const _Tp integral_constant<_Tp, __v>::value;
/Applications/ error: no member named 'value' in the global namespace
_LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR const _Tp integral_constant<_Tp, __v>::value;
/Applications/ error: no template named 'integral_constant'
typedef integral_constant<bool, true>  true_type;
/Applications/ error: no template named 'integral_constant'
typedef integral_constant<bool, false> false_type;
/Applications/ error: cannot template a using declaration
using _BoolConstant _LIBCPP_NODEBUG = integral_constant<bool, _Val>;
/Applications/ error: C++ requires a type specifier for all declarations
using _BoolConstant _LIBCPP_NODEBUG = integral_constant<bool, _Val>;
fatal error: too many errors emitted, stopping now [-ferror-limit=]
In file included from In file included from input_line_4input_line_4::1:
1In file included from :
/opt/local/libexec/root6/etc/root/cling/lib/clang/9.0.1/include/assert.hIn file included from :/opt/local/libexec/root6/etc/root/cling/lib/clang/9.0.1/include/assert.h8::
8In file included from :
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/assert.hIn file included from :/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/assert.h42::
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h:/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h81::812::2 : warning: warning: "Unsupported compiler detected" "Unsupported compiler detected"[-W#warnings] [-W#warnings]


#warning "Unsupported compiler detected"#warning "Unsupported compiler detected"

 ^ ^

/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h:925:2: error: Unsupported architecture
#error Unsupported architecture
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h:925:2: error: Unsupported architecture
#error Unsupported architecture
In file included from input_line_4:2:
In file included from /opt/local/libexec/root6/include/root/Rtypes.h:23:
In file included from /opt/local/libexec/root6/include/root/RtypesCore.h:28:
In file included from /Applications/
In file included from /Applications/
In file included from /Applications/
/Applications/ error: "It looks like you're trying to enable vendor availability markup, but you haven't defined the
      corresponding macros yet!"
#   error "It looks like you're trying to enable vendor availability markup, but you haven't define...
In file included from input_line_4:2:
In file included from /opt/local/libexec/root6/include/root/Rtypes.h:23:
In file included from /opt/local/libexec/root6/include/root/RtypesCore.h:28:
In file included from /Applications/
In file included from /Applications/
/Applications/ error: unknown type name '_LIBCPP_BEGIN_NAMESPACE_STD'
In file included from input_line_4:2:
In file included from /opt/local/libexec/root6/include/root/Rtypes.h:23:
In file included from /opt/local/libexec/root6/include/root/RtypesCore.h:28/Applications/
:In file included from 24/Applications/
 In file included from /Applications/ :
In file included from /Applications/ 13';':
 after/Applications/ :top279 :level5 :declarator 
error: "It looks like you're trying to _LIBCPP_NORETURN _LIBCPP_OVERRIDABLE_FUNC_VIS _LIBCPP_ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT(__printf__, 1, 2)enable
 vendor                ^ 
availability markup, but you haven't defined the
      corresponding macros yet!"
#   error "It looks like you're trying to enable vendor availability markup, but you haven't define...
/Applications/ file included from  input_line_4:2error:
: In file included from /opt/local/libexec/root6/include/root/Rtypes.h:unknown23 :
typeIn file included from  /opt/local/libexec/root6/include/root/RtypesCore.hname: 28'_LIBCPP_END_NAMESPACE_STD':
In file included from 
In file included from /Applications/
/Applications/ error: unknown type name '_LIBCPP_BEGIN_NAMESPACE_STD'
In file included from input_line_4:2:
In file included from /opt/local/libexec/root6/include/root/Rtypes.h:23:
In file included from /opt/local/libexec/root6/include/root/RtypesCore.h:28:
In file included from /Applications/
/Applications/ error: expected ';' after top level /Applications/
:                            ^expected ';' after
 top level declarator
/Applications/ error: no variable template matches partial specialization
template <class _Tp> struct _LIBCPP_TEMPLATE_VIS enable_if<true, _Tp> {typedef _Tp type;};
/Applications/ error: expected expression
template <class _Tp> struct _LIBCPP_TEMPLATE_VIS enable_if<true, _Tp> {typedef _Tp type;};
/Applications/ error: cannot template a using declaration
template <bool _Bp, class _Tp = void> using __enable_if_t _LIBCPP_NODEBUG = typename enable_if<_Bp...
/Applications/ ^:
55:1: error: /Applications/ : type errorname:  '_LIBCPP_END_NAMESPACE_STD'C++ requires a 
type specifier for all declarations
template <bool _Bp, class _Tp = void> using __enable_if_t _LIBCPP_NODEBUG = typename enable_if<_Bp...
/Applications/ error: use of undeclared identifier '_Bp'
  ...<bool _Bp, class _Tp = void> using __enable_if_t _LIBCPP_NODEBUG = typename enable_if<_Bp, _Tp>::type;
In file included from input_line_4:2:
In file included from /opt/local/libexec/root6/include/root/Rtypes.h:23:
In file included from /opt/local/libexec/root6/include/root/RtypesCore.h:28:
In file included from /Applications/
/Applications/ error: expected ';' after top level declarator
/Applications/ error: unknown type name '_LIBCPP_END_NAMESPACE_STD'
: error: ^no 
variable template matches partial specialization
template <class _Tp> struct _LIBCPP_TEMPLATE_VIS enable_if<true, _Tp> {typedef _Tp type;};
/Applications/ error: expected expressionIn file included from 
In file included from /opt/local/libexec/root6/include/root/Rtypes.h:23:
In file included from /opt/local/libexec/root6/include/root/RtypesCore.h:28:
In file included from template <class _Tp> struct _LIBCPP_TEMPLATE_VIS enable_if<true, _Tp> {typedef _Tp type;};/Applications/
:39                                                                       ^:

/Applications/ error: expected ';'/Applications/ :after23 :top39 :level  declaratorerror
: cannot template _LIBCPP_BEGIN_NAMESPACE_STDa
 using                           ^ 
template <bool _Bp, class _Tp = void> using __enable_if_t _LIBCPP_NODEBUG = typename enable_if<_Bp...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^
/Applications/ error: unknown type name /Applications/'_LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR':23
:59: error: C++_LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR const _Tp integral_constant<_Tp, __v>::value; 
requires ^a
 type specifier for all declarations
template <bool _Bp, class _Tp = void> using __enable_if_t _LIBCPP_NODEBUG = typename enable_if<_Bp...
/Applications/ error: expected /Applications/ error: use of undeclared identifier '_Bp'
';' at   ...<bool _Bp, class _Tp = void> using __enable_if_t _LIBCPP_NODEBUG = typename enable_if<_Bp, _Tp>::type;end
 of                                                                                           ^ 
_LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR const _Tp integral_constant<_Tp, __v>::value;
/Applications/ : error: error: cannot unknowntemplate  typea  nameusing  '_LIBCPP_END_NAMESPACE_STD'declaration

using _BoolConstant _LIBCPP_NODEBUG = integral_constant<bool, _Val>;
/Applications/ error: C++ requires a type specifier for all declarations
In file included from input_line_4:2:
In file included from /opt/local/libexec/root6/include/root/Rtypes.h:23:
In file included from using _BoolConstant _LIBCPP_NODEBUG = integral_constant<bool, _Val>;/opt/local/libexec/root6/include/root/RtypesCore.h
                    ^In file included from 
/Applications/ error: expected/Applications/  ';'error : after topuse  levelof  declaratorundeclared 
identifier '_Val'
using _BoolConstant _LIBCPP_NODEBUG = integral_constant<bool, _Val>;
/Applications/ error: unknown type name '_LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR'
_LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR const _Tp integral_constant<_Tp, __v>::value;
/Applications/ error: expected ';' at end of declaration
_LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR const _Tp integral_constant<_Tp, __v>::value;
/Applications/ error: unknown type name '_LIBCPP_END_NAMESPACE_STD'
/Applications/ error: cannot template a using declaration
fatal error: too using _BoolConstant _LIBCPP_NODEBUG = integral_constant<bool, _Val>;many
emitted, stopping now [-ferror-limit=]
/Applications/ error: C++ requires a type specifier for all declarations
using _BoolConstant _LIBCPP_NODEBUG = integral_constant<bool, _Val>;
/Applications/ error: use of undeclared identifier '_Val'
using _BoolConstant _LIBCPP_NODEBUG = integral_constant<bool, _Val>;
/Applications/ error: unknown type name '_LIBCPP_END_NAMESPACE_STD'
fatal error: too many errors emitted, stopping now [-ferror-limit=]
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Error: Error loading the default rootcling header files.
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make[2]: *** [src/modules/CorryvreckanWriter/CorryvreckanWriterObjectsDictionary.cxx] Error 1
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make[1]: *** [src/modules/CorryvreckanWriter/CMakeFiles/CorryvreckanWriterObjects.dir/all] Error 2
make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
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Error: Error loading the default rootcling header files.
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make[2]: *** [src/objects/AllpixObjectsDictionary.cxx] Error 1
make[1]: *** [src/objects/CMakeFiles/AllpixObjectsDictionary.dir/all] Error 2
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[  2%] Building CXX object tools/apf_tools/CMakeFiles/field_converter.dir/__/__/src/core/utils/log.cpp.o
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[  2%] Building CXX object tools/mesh_converter/CMakeFiles/mesh_plotter.dir/__/__/src/core/utils/log.cpp.o
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-- Downloaded object: "/Users/lilong/workarea/allpix-squared/build/ExternalData/Objects/MD5/43350bc1295828e1740a27fbac7faf65"
[  3%] Generating /Users/lilong/workarea/allpix-squared/build/src/modules/DepositionCosmics/data/
-- Fetching "file:///eos/project-a/allpix-squared/www/data/MD5/0dd6bb7024725d4cb8448aea49caddc9"
-- Fetching ""
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-- Downloaded object: "/Users/lilong/workarea/allpix-squared/build/ExternalData/Objects/MD5/0dd6bb7024725d4cb8448aea49caddc9"
[  3%] Built target fetch_cry_data
[  4%] Building CXX object tools/mesh_converter/CMakeFiles/mesh_converter.dir/MeshConverter.cpp.o
[  5%] Building CXX object tools/apf_tools/CMakeFiles/field_converter.dir/__/__/src/core/utils/text.cpp.o
[  6%] Building CXX object tools/mesh_converter/CMakeFiles/mesh_plotter.dir/__/__/src/core/utils/text.cpp.o
[  6%] Building CXX object tools/mesh_converter/CMakeFiles/mesh_converter.dir/MeshParser.cpp.o
[  6%] Building CXX object tools/mesh_converter/CMakeFiles/mesh_plotter.dir/__/__/src/core/utils/unit.cpp.o
[  7%] Building CXX object tools/mesh_converter/CMakeFiles/mesh_converter.dir/parsers/DFISEParser.cpp.o
[  7%] Building CXX object tools/apf_tools/CMakeFiles/field_converter.dir/__/__/src/core/utils/unit.cpp.o
[  7%] Building CXX object tools/mesh_converter/CMakeFiles/mesh_converter.dir/parsers/SilvacoParser.cpp.o
[  8%] Linking CXX executable mesh_plotter
[  9%] Linking CXX executable field_converter
[  9%] Built target mesh_plotter
[  9%] Built target field_converter
[ 10%] Building CXX object tools/mesh_converter/CMakeFiles/mesh_converter.dir/__/__/src/core/utils/log.cpp.o
[ 10%] Building CXX object tools/mesh_converter/CMakeFiles/mesh_converter.dir/__/__/src/core/utils/text.cpp.o
[ 11%] Building CXX object tools/mesh_converter/CMakeFiles/mesh_converter.dir/__/__/src/core/utils/unit.cpp.o
[ 11%] Building CXX object tools/mesh_converter/CMakeFiles/mesh_converter.dir/__/__/src/core/config/ConfigReader.cpp.o
[ 12%] Building CXX object tools/mesh_converter/CMakeFiles/mesh_converter.dir/__/__/src/core/config/Configuration.cpp.o
[ 12%] Building CXX object tools/mesh_converter/CMakeFiles/mesh_converter.dir/__/__/src/core/config/exceptions.cpp.o
[ 13%] Building CXX object tools/mesh_converter/CMakeFiles/mesh_converter.dir/__/__/src/core/module/ThreadPool.cpp.o
[ 13%] Linking CXX executable mesh_converter
[ 13%] Built target mesh_converter
make: *** [all] Error 2

Hi @longli

the trace does not point to any APSQ code but only XCode internal things - so I believe there is some issue with your XCode installation. Any chance to run checks or update that? (sorry, not a mac user here…)


Hi Simon,
The Xcode on my mac is already the latest version. and the complier is Apple clang version 15.0.0 (clang-1500. I noticed that claing 12 is supported, and I did install Allpix2 successfully with it. That’s
why I want to make sure whether clang 15 is support.

I regularly build this with Clang 17 and even Clang 18, but on Linux - and AppleClang is always different. However, if it would choke on some of our code I would expect that to show in the trace.

Anyway, I will investigate and come back to you.


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Simon asked me to check locally on my system (I am using a more recent clang via homebrew):

Homebrew clang version 17.0.6
Target: arm64-apple-darwin23.3.0
Thread model: posix
InstalledDir: /opt/homebrew/opt/llvm/bin

I am having issues linking geant4 (have not updated it in a while). If I turn off all modules requiring geant4 I can compile without issues. Maybe you want to give it a try with clang 17? I can try with geant4 again if you want me to.


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