How to use passive materials not in the Geant4 Material Database?


I am trying to define a passive material consisting of cylinder made of air at a specific pressure and I am wondering how to configure this in allpix-squared given that this is not part of the standard materials in the Geant4 Material Database.

More broadly I’m wondering how one may use other passive materials than these on the Geant4 Material Database.

For context I am using allpix-squared on lxplus and I have no experience in Geant4.

Thank you for your answer :slight_smile:

Hi @mebay

air is both in our own database (as air, see GeometryBuilderGeant4 | Allpix Squared) as well as in the Geant4 NIST database (as G4_AIR), but at standard pressure.

If you need change the density or have different compounds they need to be added to the code. Examples can be found in our material manager here: src/modules/GeometryBuilderGeant4/MaterialManager.cpp · master · Allpix Squared / Allpix Squared · GitLab


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Thank you for the clarification and links!
