Error Plotting Doping Profile

Hello everyone,
I am currently working on a simulation where I import a 2D doping profile from Synopsys TCAD into Allpix2. However, when I attempt to convert the file into the .apf or .init format and plot it using the mesh plot functionality, I encounter the following error:
(STATUS) Reading file: dfise_file_DopingConcentration.apf
(FATAL) Failed to plot mesh:
invalid data it seems Allpix2 is unable to read it correctly. Could someone advise what could be causing this error and how to resolve it?
Thank you in advance for your help!

Hi @emma

without further information or the mesh file itself, it is hard to help here. If you have the init. format, could you just post the header and some first lines of the field?

If you add triple-backtickts (`) around that it will remain readable.



I have encountered this message when plotting doping concentrations with the mesh_plotter, and it might just be that you need to use the flag -s (this is what I always forget) so that the plotter knows that the file holds a scalar field.

Another thing could be to load it into Allpix Squared with the [DopingProfileReader] and look at the output plots instead.

Kind regards,

Thank you so much for your help; I really appreciate your guidance! Thanks to your advice, I was able to run the script without any errors.
However, in the visualization, I can’t see certain details, like the JTE, for example, which should appear at the top. I know the scale in TCAD is in µm and here it’s in mm, but is this normal?
Thank you in advance for your response and assistance!
Best regards,

Hi @emma ,

Nice that you could run it! The JTE might be invisible just due to the large range of doping concentrations present, so the colour axis scale might be coarse. You could try plotting it with log z, zooming on the colour axis, or just exporting and importing the acceptor or donor concentrations separately to have confidence that they are included properly.
As long as your number of divisions in the mesh converter are not too few (leading to steps larger than the structures in question) all structures should be present also in the converted field, but things may be hard to see when there are many orders of magnitude present in the same 2D histogram

Kind regards,

Thank you so much for your reply!