Difference between CSADigitizer and DefaultDigitizer


In the eudet_rd53a setup, I’m trying to use the CSADigitizer for the duts, while using the DefaultDigitizer for the telescope.

name = “dut_0”, “dut_1”, “Reference”
model = “csa”
feedback_capacitance = 50e-15C/V
detector_capacitance = 100e-15C/V
krummenacher_current = 25e-9C/s
amp_output_capacitance = 50e-15C/V
transconductance = 50e-6C/s/V
temperature = 293K
integration_time = 0.4e-6s
threshold = 10e-3V
sigma_noise = 0.1e-3V

type = “mimosa26”
electronics_noise = 13e
threshold = 60e
threshold_smearing = 4e
adc_smearing = 0e
output_plots = 1
adc_resolution = 1

It is returning an error:
(FATAL) (Event 1) [R:CSADigitizer:dut_0] Fatal internal error
vector::_M_range_check: __n (which is 9223372036854775808) >= this->size() (which is 0)

I’m not sure if I can use both digitizers in the same setup, can I? Are there any conflict between both modules?

Hi @retaibah ,

could you post me your full configuration file? Then I can try to reproduce the issue.


Sure, here you go;

log_level = “WARNING”
log_format = “DEFAULT”
number_of_events = 10000
detectors_file = “dut.conf”
root_file = “DESY_5GeV_withBox-4cm_100”

world_material = “air”

physics_list = FTFP_BERT_EMZ
particle_type = “e-”
number_of_particles = 1
source_energy = 5GeV
source_position = -2um 0um -200mm
source_type = “beam”
beam_size = 5mm
beam_direction = 0 0 1
max_step_length = 1.0um

name = “dut_0”, “dut_1”, “Reference”
model = “linear”
bias_voltage = -100V
depletion_voltage = -50V

type = “mimosa26”
model = “linear”
bias_voltage = -4V
depletion_depth = 15um

name = “dut_0”, “dut_1”, “Reference”
temperature = 293K
charge_per_step = 10

type = “mimosa26”
temperature = 293K
charge_per_step = 10
integration_time = 20ns
diffuse_deposit = true
output_plots = 1

max_depth_distance = 5um
output_plots_step = 2um

name = “dut_0”, “dut_1”, “Reference”
model = “csa”
feedback_capacitance = 50e-15C/V
detector_capacitance = 100e-15C/V
krummenacher_current = 25e-9C/s
amp_output_capacitance = 50e-15C/V
transconductance = 50e-6C/s/V
temperature = 293K
integration_time = 0.4e-6s
threshold = 10e-3V
sigma_noise = 0.1e-3V

type = “mimosa26”
electronics_noise = 13e
threshold = 60e
threshold_smearing = 4e
adc_smearing = 0e
output_plots = 1
adc_resolution = 1

file_name = “DESY_5GeV_withBox-4cm_100”

file_name = “run0100.slcio”
dump_mc_truth = true

Hi Reem,

this is indeed 50% a bug and 50% a configuration error:

Thanks for reporting this!
