Cs137 Gamma Spectrum

Dear Allpix Squared experts:

In my previous attempts, I have learned how to generate an ideal XRF spectrum.
And now, I want to obtain a Cs137 Gamma Spectrum as shown below.

I have configured the following in DepositionGeant4:

physics_list = FTFP_BERT_LIV
particle_type = "Cs137"
source_energy = 0eV
source_position = 0 0 -15mm
source_type = "point"
number_of_particles = 1

Below is my more detailed configuration file.
dialeil-detector-gdml-Cs.conf (242 Bytes)
dialeil-geometry.conf (702 Bytes)
dialeil-LEAPS-Cs.gdml (13.2 KB)
dialeil-simulation-cs.conf (4.6 KB)

And then i use the ROOT analysis tool to generate the energy spectrum. My core code is as follows:

output_total_charge = 0;
for(auto& pixel_charge : input_charges) {
output_total_charge += pixel_charge->getCharge();

if(output_total_charge != 0){
// 2.9 is the charge creation energy
charge_spectrum->Fill(-output_total_charge * 2.9 * 0.001);

Below is my complete ROOT script.

draw_spectrum2.txt (4.3 KB)

However, as shown in the following image, I am not able to obtain the expected spectrum. I would like to know where the issue lies and how to obtain the gamma spectrum as the first figure.

Thank you in advance for your help!
