CapacitiveTransfer of silicon microstrip

Dear all,
i’d like to simulate single-sided silicon micro-strip,in fact ,our detector is not full-readout(connect to ASIC name read-strip ,another name float-strip ),so ,different strips have different capacitive coupling coefficients,Is it possible to set alternate two kinds of mareix in CapacitiveTransfer?
At first,I try to use two type models to create detector,but It seems that every pixel must be closely adjacent in models file And a detector can only use one model in the detector.conf.
Is there a way to solve this problem?

   Thank you in advance for your help!

Dear @c_7I

would it be a possibility to only define the readout strips as electrodes, and to include the other floating strips only via the electric field for example?


Dear simonspa,

The electric fields of readout strips and floating strips are exactly the same,Just because the capacitance of the ASIC chip is relatively large, resulting in two different coupling coefficients.

I tried two methods to solve this problem

  1. List item Can there be two types of models alternately forming a detector?if it can be done,I can use two CapacitiveTransfer models

  2. List item define one pixel as detector,use hundreds of such detectors to form a sensor,Maybe a bit stupid

If none of the above methods work,only use other algorithms to redistribute the results obtained by different pixels. I just learned this software not long ago, there may be many errors, please forgive me :sweat_smile:

Hi @c_7I

I’m not sure I can follow 100%… :slight_smile:

Of your proposals, neither would work because Allpix Squared treats different detectors as exactly what they are: different detectors. This means: no charge (or signal, that is) is shared between them because they are considered to be two separate slabs of silicon.

Also, I’m not entirely sure I understood what your goal is. If you have floating strips, you will not read out their signal - so why would you want to include them in your coupling simulation? The CapacitiveTransfer module will only shuffle some charge from one channel to the neighbor, depending on pre-calculated and -set parameters.

If you are really looking into how much charge is induced on a readout strip and a floating strip, maybe consider doing a full simulation with TransientPropagation (requiring a weighting potential) for all strips, and then drop every second?

In order to come up with some more clever ideas, I would really need to know a bit more about the goal of your simulation…


Dear simonspa,

  Thank you very much for your reply.
  Although there is no signal to read from floating strip, due to the capacitance between floating strip and read strip, it will cause part of the signal to diffuse from floating strip to read strip. so,different strips have different coupling coefficients.

  I know what should I do,please accept my sincere appreciation again!
