Adding additional active sensor?

I am trying to track the movement in plastic scintillator.
I checked that it is possible to add plastic material (from G4 NIST list) on passive volume, but I want to track the particle trajectory inside this volume so passive volume seems inappropriate in this case.
Would you recommend how to add active volume with G4 material without any silicon sensor?

OR, is there any other way to define the material of sensor as the material in G4 NIST list?


Dear @hchu ,

adding a different sensor material is not too difficult, but requires to touch a few files, you can read more about this in our FAQs: Development | Allpix Squared

That being said, I’d like to add that the simulation flow of Allpix Squared does not at all match the physics and functional principle of a scintillator, but is designed to describe the processes in semiconductor detectors. If you are only interested in recording the trajectory of a particle in a scintillator, this could still work.

Otherwise, we currently do not store the full trajectory of particles traversing the setup. I believe that this is most likely a task for a standalone Geant4 simulation.


Hi! thanks for helping me out.
I followed the steps from the link and added the material successfully, but it still says it is invalid value. After I change the files, and do I need to compile it again? Would you mind let me know how I can do that?
By the way, I understand what you mentioned. I’ll think about that issue.


Hi @hchu ,

yes, indeed you would have to compile Allpix Squared for this change. I’m afraid adding a sensitive material cannot be done without compiling from source (e.g. when using CVMFS or docker). You can find the full guide on how to install Allpix Squared in our documentation, or in a nutshell here or here.

Please let us know in case you need further assistance with the installation.


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