Accessing clusters as an object

Dear all,
I am interested in producing a plot like this one from ATLAS collaboration:

or like this from CMS:

in allpix squared.

I would do that by having access to clusters as an object but having a look here:

I don’t see how to do that.

Ideally I would like to retrieve just clusters on track.

Do you think this is possible, please?

Many thanks in advance and best regards,
Marco Bomben

Dear @mbomben

We deliberately do not expose clusters since they are local to the histogrammer and only meant to cross-check results quickly.

If you need more elaborate clustering and tracking I would suggest storing the output in the Corryvreckan format using the CorryvreckanWriter. You can then do all the analysis including one-track/off-track selection there.

We might have to improve a bit how MCParticles are used there, but maybe first have a look and we can then adjust


Dear @simonspa , thanks a lot for the feedback.
Yes, it makes sense that clusters are available after a reconstruction step. I will have a look at Corryvreckan documentation.

Best regards,
Marco Bomben