[Allpix] detectors_file = "pos.conf" number_of_events = 50 log_level = "Warning" # "DEBUG" # "Warning" [GeometryBuilderGeant4] world_material = "AIR" world_margin_percentage = 0 world_minimum_margin = 200mm 200mm 400mm [DepositionGeant4] physics_list = FTFP_BERT_LIV particle_type = "ion/6/12/6/0eV/false"#"Pi+" source_energy = 2.4GeV #120GeV source_position = 0mm 0mm -300mm source_type = "beam" beam_size = 1mm beam_direction = 0 0 1 number_of_particles = 1 output_plots = true #record_all_tracks = true [ElectricFieldReader] model = "linear" bias_voltage=80V output_plots = 1 # Propagate charge carriers [GenericPropagation] temperature = 293K output_plots = 1 charge_per_step = 100 #integration_time = 15ns #diffuse_deposit = true propagate_electrons = true propagate_holes = true [PulseTransfer] #max_depth_distance = 150um output_plots = 1 [DefaultDigitizer] electronics_noise = 530e threshold = 1100e #2500e #500e qdc_resolution = 12 #threshold_smearing = 30e output_plots = 1 [DetectorHistogrammer] name = "detector1" #max_cluster_charge = 15ke #[DetectorHistogrammer] #name = "detector2" # replace by [VisualizationGeant4] to run the visualization #[Ignore] #mode = "gui" [VisualizationGeant4] mode = "none" view_style = "wireframe" trajectories_color_mode = "generic" accumulate = 0 accumulate_time_step = 2s accumulate_time = 10s [ROOTObjectWriter] #include = "DepositedCharge", "detector", "PDG_code", "track_id", "parent_id", "MCTrack","MCParticle","PixelCharge","PixelHit" ,"PropagatedCharge","DepositedCharge" #exclude = DepositedCharge, PropagatedCharge