[Allpix] ### Number of events. ### NOTE: If visualization module is used, fix this to 100 max. number_of_events = 1 ### Detector/Geometry file. detectors_file = "dialeil-detector-gdml.conf" ### Output directory. output_directory = "." ### ROOT file for output plots (called Modules). root_file = "ModFile00000.root" # Normal verbosity: DEBUG, WARNING, FATAL log_level = "DEBUG" ### Model path. model_paths = ./ # If simulation files can be overwritten or not. deny_overwrite = true [GeometryBuilderGeant4] world_material = "air" world_margin_percentage = 0.0 world_minimum_margin = 0mm 0mm 0mm [DepositionGeant4] #### Charge creation mean energy and Fano factor. # Default value: Si (3.64 eV). For germanium: 2.9 eV charge_creation_energy = 2.9eV # Default value: Si (0.115). For germanium: 0.112 fano_factor = 0.112 ##### Type of source. ### X-rays of 20 keV. particle_type = "gamma" source_energy = 10.0keV number_of_particles = 1 ### Iron source. #particle_type = "Fe55" #source_energy = 0eV #number_of_particles = 1 # Position from front window. source_position = -100mm 0um -32mm ##### Source shape. ### Point. #source_type ="point" ### Beam. source_type = "beam" beam_size = 0.5mm beam_direction = 1 0 0 ### Square. #source_type = "square" #square_side = 30mm #square_angle = 0deg # Output plot: Deposited charge. output_plots = true # Maximum deposited charge of histogram. output_plots_scale = 40ke [ElectricFieldReader] # COMSOL electric field. #model = "mesh" # File name. #file_name = "SAMBA_Ge_ElectricFieldComponents_200V_7mm.init" # Field map scale. #field_scale = 1.0 1.0 # Field offset #field_offset = 0.0 0.0 # Linear electric field. model = "linear" # Voltage at front side. SAMBA: -800V, DLS: -200V bias_voltage = -200V # Maximum electric-field at pogo-pins, minimum at front window. deplete_from_implants = true # Depletion voltage. SAMBA: -550V(?), DLS: -150V depletion_voltage = -150V # Output plots. output_plots = 1 #[WeightingPotentialReader] # COMSOL weighting potential. #model = "mesh" # File name. #file_name = "SAMBA_Ge_WeightingField_9Pixels.init" # Field map scale. #ignore_field_dimensions = true # Output plots. #output_plots = 1 [GenericPropagation] # The temperature is fixed inside the code. temperature = 77.36K # Mobility model (Silicon). mobility_model = jacoboni # Mobility model (modified version of Jacobini model). #mobility_model = jacobonigermanium # Electrons are collected at the implants. propagate_electrons = true # Holes are just simulated for output plots. propagate_holes = true # Charges per cluster. charge_per_step = 100 # Signal rise-time. integration_time = 200ns # Propagation precision: Better 1-2 ns/step. # It also determines the number of frames. timestep_min = 0.5ns timestep_max = 0.5ns timestep_start = 0.5ns #spatial_precision = 0.001mm # Output plots -> Drift time. output_plots = 1 # Plot step: Time step (but not frame step!). output_plots_step = 5ns # Animation (just 1 event). output_animations = false # Auxiliar graph for animations. output_linegraphs = false # 10^9 means 1 ns (sim) = 1 sec (GIF). 10 ns = 1 sec output_animations_time_scaling = 1.0e8 # Max charge in z = Total charge / Value output_animations_contour_max_scaling = 20 #### TRANSFER modules: Propagated charge -> Pixel charge. # Transfer by default. [SimpleTransfer] max_depth_distance = 100um # Output plots output_plots = 1 output_plots_step = 5.0ns output_plots_range = 200ns #[InducedTransfer] #induction_matrix = 3 3 [DefaultDigitizer] # PT = 1 us, FWHM = 235 eV -> ENC-FWHM = 211 eV = 72.8 e- -> Sigma = 30.9 e- electronics_noise = 31 gain = 1.0 threshold = 1 qdc_smearing = 1 # Output plots output_plots = 1 output_plots_scale = 40ke output_plots_bins = 400 [ROOTObjectWriter] ### Output file name with all simulation information. file_name = "File00000.root" ### Output file name with all simulation information. include = DepositedCharge PixelHit # Visualization module. # The default viewer is gui (mode) & Qt (driver). # For VRML files, the mode is none & the driver VRML2FILE. [VisualizationGeant4] mode = none driver = VRML2FILE hidden_trajectories = false simple_view = false