[AllPix] log_level = "WARNING" log_format = "DEFAULT" number_of_events = 50 detectors_file = "detector.conf" [GeometryBuilderGeant4] world_material = "vacuum" [DepositionGeant4] physics_list = FTFP_BERT_EMZ #modello fisico ed elettromognetico usato (vd. in Geant4) enable_pai = true #abilita il modello PhotoAbsorption Ionization (per sensori sottili) particle_type = "Mu-" number_of_particles = 1 #numero di particelle da generare in un singolo evento source_energy = 200MeV source_position = 0um 0um -5mm source_type = "square" square_side = 20um square_angle = 0mrad max_step_length = 1um #massima lunghenza di un step di simulazione nel volume sensibile del dispositivo output_plots = 1 #abilita la rappresentazione degli istog. generati in ogni step [ElectricFieldReader] model = "mesh" field_mapping = "SENSOR" #The map is read from the file and applied periodically to the full sensor file_name = "output_Vtop_35V_ElectricField.init" field_scale = 1 1 #This parameter allows to use electric fields for fractions or multiple pixels (in this case the E is calculated for 1 pixel cell) output_plots = true [WeightingPotentialReader] log_level = "INFO" model = "mesh" field_mapping="PIXEL_FULL" #The map is interpreted as field spanning the full Euclidean angle and aligned on the center of the pixel unit cell. No transformation is performed, but field values are obtained from the map with respect to the pixel center file_name = "Arcadia_1PX_GAIN_35V_thick50um_WeightingPotential.init" output_plots = true ignore_field_dimensions = true #necessario se abbiamo un campo 2D o si sta simulando 1 sila riga di pixels [TransientPropagation] #Simulates the transport of electrons and holes through the sensitive sensor volume of the detector #log_level = DEBUG temperature = 300K charge_per_step = 4 #Maximum number of charge carriers to propagate together timestep = 1ps #0.01ns #Time step for the Runge-Kutta integration, representing the granularity with which the induced charge is calculated integration_time = 20ns #Time within which charge carriers are propagated induction_matrix = 1, 1 #Size of the pixel sub-matrix for which the induced charge is calculated output_plots = true timestep_max = 0.005ns multiplication_model = "overstraeten" multiplication_threshold = 100kV/cm [PulseTransfer] #This module combines propagated charges into pulses at individual pixel implants output_plots = 1 output_pulsegraphs = 1 #Determines if pulse graphs should be generated for every event. This creates several graphs per event timestep = 0.1ns #Time step for the pulse to be generated from charge carrier arrival times #max_depth_distance = 10um [DefaultDigitizer] #threshold = 300 output_plots = 1 [DetectorHistogrammer] name = "detector1" #[ROOTObjectWriter] #Reads all messages dispatched by the framework that contain Allpix objects #exclude = DepositedCharge, PropagatedCharge, MCParticle, MCTrack #file_name = "output_9PX_25um.root" #include = DepositedCharge, MCTrack #[VisualizationGeant4] #per avere la rappresentazione grafica del sensore #mode = "gui" #driver = "OGL" #accumulate = 0 #accumulate_time_step = 2s