[AllPix] #random_seed_core = 17040699676838723490 log_level = "WARNING" log_format = "DEFAULT" number_of_events = 10 detectors_file = "silicon_detector.conf" model_paths = models output_directory = "silicon_pulse_trapping" #"Holes_DepositionPointCharge_output" root_file = "-300V_pulsgraph" #"module_test" [GeometryBuilderGeant4] world_material = "vacuum" [Ignore] #[DepositionPointCharge] source_type = "point" model = "fixed" position = 0 0 260um #[Ignore] [DepositionGeant4] physics_list = FTFP_BERT_LIV # for electrons +sign with distance while +ve voltage, for holes the -sign with source posistion while +ve voltage. source_position = 0um 0um -251um #source_type = "macro" particle_type = "AM241" source_energy = 0MeV source_type = "point" #max_step_length = 10.0um #file_name = "source.mac" number_of_particles = 1 #range_cut = 10um #[ROOTObjectReader] #file_name = "output/test.root" #ignore_seed_mismatch = true [Ignore] #[DopingProfileReader] model = "constant" doping_concentration = -1e+18/cm/cm/cm #[Ignore] [ElectricFieldReader] model="linear" bias_voltage= -300V depletion_voltage = 0V output_plots = 1 #depletion_depth=500um #[Ignore] [WeightingPotentialReader] name = "mydetector" model = "pad" #ignore_field_dimensions = 1 #file_name = "example_weighting_field.apf" output_plots =1 #[Ignore] #[GenericPropagation] [TransientPropagation] temperature = 300K #mobility_model = "canali" charge_per_step = 30 integration_time= 30ns propagate_electrons = 1 propagate_holes = 0 output_plots=1 #output_linegraphs = true #output_plots_step = 100ps #output_plots_theta = 1 #output_plots_phi = 1 #output_plots_use_pixel_units = true #output_animations = true #output_animations_color_markers = true #output_plots_align_pixels = true #timestep_min = 10ps #timestep_max = 50ps #timestep_start = 10ps #spatial_precision = 1nm #recombination_model= "srh" #recombination_model = "constant" #lifetime_electron = 3ns #lifetime_hole = 2ns #trapping_model = "ljubljana" #fluence = 2000MeV # Constant trapping times for electrons and holes: trapping_model = "constant" trapping_time_electron = 2ns trapping_time_hole = 2ns #[Ignore] #[ProjectionPropagation] #temperature = 293K #charge_per_step = 500 #propagate_electrons = 1 #integration_time = 40ns #output_plots=1 [Ignore] #[SimpleTransfer] max_depth_distance = 0um #output_plots = true [PulseTransfer] output_plots = 1 output_pulsegraphs =1 output_plots_bins = 100 output_plots_scale = 1 max_depth_distance = 500um timestep = 0.2ns #collect_from_implant = 1 # replace by [VisualizationGeant4] to run the visualization #[VisualizationGeant4] #mode = "gui" #accumulate = 1 # Simulate the front-end electronics of the readout chip: [Ignore] #[DefaultDigitizer] output_plots = true electronics_noise = 110e threshold = 1500e threshold_smearing = 30e #qdc_smearing = 200e #qdc_slope = 200 [CSADigitizer] model = "simple" feedback_capacitance = 5e-15C/V rise_time_constant = 1e-9s feedback_time_constant = 10e-9s integration_time = 0.5e-6s threshold = 10e-3V clock_bin_toa = 1.5625ns clock_bin_tot = 25.0ns output_plots = 1 output_pulsegraphs =1 ignore_polarity=1 [Ignore] #[DetectorHistogrammer] granularity= 100 100 #[Ignore] [ROOTObjectWriter] file_name = "300V_pulsgraphwriter.root" #exclude = "PropagatedCharge","DepositedCharge"