# Global configuration [Allpix] # simulate a total of 1000 events number_of_events = 10000 log_level = "STATUS" # "STATUS" "ERROR" "Warning" "Info" "DEBUG" "TRACE" "PRNG" "STATUS" # use the short logging format log_format = "SHORT" # "DEFAULT" "LONG" # write the root output data of all modules root_file = modules.root # location of the detector configuration detectors_file = "diamondGeo.conf" # Read and instantiate the detectors and construct the Geant4 geometry [GeometryBuilderGeant4] world_material = "air" world_margin_percentage = 0.0 world_minimum_margin = 0mm 0mm 0mm # Initialize physics list and particle source [DepositionGeant4] # Use a Genat4 physics lists with EMPhysicsStandard_option3 enabaled physics_list = FTFP_BERT_LIV # Use a charged pion as particle particle_type = "proton" # Set the energy of the particle source_energy = 120GeV # Origin of the beam source_position = 0 0 -12mm # The direction of the beam beam_direction = 0 0 1 # Use a single particle in a single event number_of_particles = 1 beam_size = 1mm beam_divergence = 0.5mrad 0.5mrad # add an electric field [ElectricFieldReader] # Set the field type to linear model = "linear" # Applied bias voltage to calculate the electric field form bias_voltage = 500 # Depletion voltage at which the given sensor is fully depleted #depletion_voltage = -10V #add a magnetic field #[MagneticFieldReader] # Constat magnetic field (Currently this is the default value) #model = "constant" # Magnetic field vector #magnetic_field = 0mT 3.8T 0T # Propagate the charge carriers through the sensor [GenericPropagation] # Set the temprature of the sensor temperature = 293K # Propagate multiple charges at once charge_per_step = 300 max_charge_groups = 1000 #timestep_min = 1ps #timestep_max = 5ps #timestep_start = 1ps #spatial_precision = 0.1nm #output_linegraphs = true #output_plots_step = 100ps #output_plots_align_pixels = true #output_plots_use_pixel_units = true # Optional to only draw charge carrier groups which reached the implant side: # output_plpts_lines_at_implants = true # Transfer the propagated charges to the pixels [SimpleTransfer] #max_depth_distance = 5um # Digitize the propagated charges [DefaultDigitizer] # Noise added by the readout electronics electronics_noise = 120e # Threshold for a hit to be detected threshold = 600e # Threshold dispersion threshold_smearing = 30e # Noise added by digitization qdc_smearing = 300e # Save histograms to the ROOT output file [DetectorHistogrammer] # Save histograms for the "dut" detector only name = "dut0" # Store all simulated objects to a ROOT file with TTrees [ROOTObjectWriter] # File name of the output file file_name = "allpix-squared-output" # ignor initially deposited charges and propagated carriers: exclude = DepositedCharge, PropagatedCharge #[VisualizationGeant4] # Use the QT gui #mode = "gui" # Qt is not isntalled, we will use the alternative way with mode none # mode = "none" # Use the VRML driver # driver = "VRML2FILE" #driver = "OGL" # Set transparency of the detector models (in percent) #transparency = 0.4 #view_style = "surface" #display_trajectories = 1 #Color trajectories by charge of the particle #trajectories_color_mode = "charge" #trajectories_color_positive = "blue" #trajectories_color_neutral = "green" #trajectories_color_negative = "red" #display_limit = 1000000 #[CorryvreckanWriter] #file_name = corryoutput.root #output_mctruth = true #reference = telescope1 #dut = dut0