# set general settings [Allpix] log_level = "WARNING" log_format = "SHORT" detectors_file = "4_layers.conf" # description of the detector placement number_of_events = 100 experimental_multithreading = true root_file = "4_layer_output.root" model_paths = ./ # create the detectors from the config and build the G4 model [GeometryBuilderGeant4] # use a single particle source, point it at the sensitive detector and start the beam [DepositionGeant4] physics_list = FTFP_BERT_EMV # the physics list to use particle_type = "e-" # the g4 particle source_energy = 50GeV # the energy of the particle source_position = 0um 0um -7000mm # the position of the source source_type = "beam" beam_size = 0mm # gaussian sigma for the radius beam_direction = 0 0 1 # the direction of the source number_of_particles = 1 # the amount of particles in a single 'event' max_step_length = 20um # maximum length for a step in geant4 #output_plots = 1 # read electric field [ElectricFieldReader] model = "linear" bias_voltage = -100V depletion_voltage = -50V #output_plots = 1 # propagation #[GenericPropagation] temperature = 293k charge_per_step = 50 output_plots = 1 output_plots_lines_at_implants = 1 output_animations = 1 [ProjectionPropagation] temperature = 293K charge_per_step = 10 #output_plots = 1 [SimpleTransfer] # Specifying all names is not necessary, without `name` key there will be an instance for every detector #name = "Plane1", "Plane2", "Plane3", "dut" #output_plots = 1 #[CapacitiveTransfer] [Ignore] name = "dut" coupling_scan_file = "gap_scan_coupling_sim.root" nominal_gap = 2um minimum_gap = 8um chip_angle = -0.000524rad 0.000350rad tilt_center = 80 336 cross_coupling = 1 #coupling_file = "capacitance_matrix.txt" #coupling_matrix = [[0.000 0.023 0.000], [0.004 1.000 0.006], [0.001 0.037 0.001]] output_plots = 1 max_depth_distance = 5um #log_level = "DEBUG" [VisualizationGeant4] mode = "terminal" gui = "OGL" [DefaultDigitizer] electronics_noise = 110e threshold = 2000e threshold_smearing = 110e #adc_smearing = 300e #output_plots = 1 [DetectorHistogrammer] output_plots = 1 #[ROOTObjectWriter] file_name = "4_layer_out.root"